Jurnal Jendela Inovasi Daerah
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Riset dan Inovasi Daerah Kota Magelangen-USJurnal Jendela Inovasi Daerah2621-8739PERAN PEMERINTAH DAN PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM PEMBANGUNAN DI KOTA MAGELANG (Studi Kasus pada Pelaksanaan Program “Rodanya Mas Bagia”)
<p><em>The success of development programs does not only rely on the role of government, but also involves the role of the community. Currently, society is placed as a subject in development. The government's role as a regulator and facilitator means that the government is obliged to prepare a set of rules as guidelines for implementing the program. The community is given the opportunity to be involved in planning, implementation and accountability. This research aims to determine the role of government and community participation in development in Magelang Municipality, especially in the implementation of the Rodanya Mas Bagia program. The research method used is descriptive qualitative using a case study approach. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation. Secondary data is obtained from documentation, statutory regulations, books, journals or other publications. Data analysis is carried out through the process of data collection, data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show that: 1) the planning stage, the community provides input, suggestions, ideas in the process of preparing the RT profile and preparing the community activity plan (RKM); 2) implementation stage, the community is involved to become members of the Pokmas. The spirit of mutual cooperation and community self-help grows in this program; and 3) at the results utilization stage, the benefits of procurement of goods such as procurement of CCTV, street lighting, construction of study halls, RW halls and RT facilities can be felt. The suggestions given by the researchers are that procurement of goods in the future will be directed at productive activities that are sustainable with community empowerment and the proposed activities can be based on regional communities in one RW, the capacity and competence of Pokmas still need to be increased so that they are not dependent on assistant staff, and there is a need to form Regional Regulations to further strengthen community empowerment policies.</em></p>Ristanto RistantoSupardal Supardal
<p><em>In an effort to reduce the recidivism rate among prisoners who have been released, the establishment of job training is a potential innovation. This training is designed to provide skills and knowledge that can increase employment opportunities and reduce the likelihood of re-engagement in criminal activity. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of establishing job training for released prisoners in reducing recidivism rates. Involves literature analysis to understand the concepts and results of previous research related to the establishment of job training for prisoners. The findings of this research indicate that job training programs can be adapted to provide relevant and useful training by thoroughly understanding the needs of prisoners, such as skills needs, psychosocial support, cross-sector collaboration, life motivation, work readiness, and community integration. The success of this program depends on cooperation between Corrections, local government, and the private sector. With the involvement of the private sector, training can be tailored to the demands of the workforce. In addition, the skills acquired during training can increase the chance of getting a job and build social stability. The establishment of job training for released prisoners could be a positive step in addressing the problem of recidivism. Implementation of these programs can help create a positive impact in preparing inmates for successful reintegration into society and the job market.</em></p>Jefryan Mahardika Saputra
2024-08-282024-08-2872253410.56354/jendelainovasi.v7i2.172INOVASI TEKNOLOGI MENUJU ZERO WASTE PENANGANAN DARURAT SAMPAH DI KOTA MAGELANG
<p><em>The problem of domestic waste has become quite serious, considering the volume and rate of accumulation are increasing with the increasing population and economic activities. The Final Waste Disposal Site (TPSA) in Magelang City is currently overloaded because Magelang City only has one Final Waste Disposal Site (TPSA). If strategic and appropriate steps are not taken to reduce the waste entering the Banyu Urip Final Waste Disposal Site (TPSA), then within a maximum of 1-2 years the Banyu Urip Final Waste Disposal Site (TPSA) will not be able to receive waste shipments from Magelang City. The incomplete resolution of waste in Magelang City is due to the unavailability of waste processing technology that produces zero waste and is environmentally friendly. The policy analysis evaluation approach used is the Grid Analysis (Matrix Analysis) method. The results of the study recommend the application of waste processing machine technology by the Environmental Service. This mechanization technology is expected to be able to replace the previous method (open dumping and landfill) with waste mechanization with the advantages of being relatively odorless, relatively no social conflict and saving land. The mechanization technology consists of waste sorting machines, plastic shredding machines, organic waste pulping machines, conveyors and incinerators.</em></p>Reta Kumalasari
2024-08-282024-08-2872355610.56354/jendelainovasi.v7i2.195EKSISTENSI KONSEP EKONOMI KLASIK PARA TOKOH ISLAM
<p><em>The existence of classical economic concepts in the thinking of four prominent Islamic figures: Ibnu Abi Al-Dunya, Al-Dawudi, Malik Bin Anas, and Yahya Bin Umar. Through a literature review, this article identifies their contributions to the development of classical Islamic economics. These figures offer diverse but interrelated perspectives on how Islamic economic principles can be implemented in everyday activities. Ibn Abi Al-Dunya emphasized the importance of morality and ethics in economic transactions, while Al-Dawudi highlighted distributive justice in the distribution of wealth . Malik Bin Anas emphasized compliance with Islamic law in economic matters, while Yahya Bin Umar rejected usury and promoted fair trade according to Islamic teachings. Through understanding these concepts, this article concludes that the classical economic thinking of these Islamic figures provides a strong moral foundation for the Islamic economic system. The integration of these principles in economic practice can help build a more just and sustainable society in accordance with Islamic teachings.</em></p>Putri Nadila
2024-08-282024-08-2872577310.56354/jendelainovasi.v7i2.188EFEKTIVITAS KEBIJAKAN DESA SIAGA AKTIF DALAM MEMBANGUN COMMUNITY-BASED DISASTER MANAGEMENT (Studi di Desa Karangtinoto Kecamatan Rengel Kabupaten Tuban)
<p><em>One of the strategies for dealing with health problems is the Desa siaga Program. Desa siaga is a village whose population has the resources and ability to prevent and overcome health problems, disasters, and health emergencies with independently. The effectiveness of health services is important in providing good services for the community. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Desa siaga Program in Karangtinoto Village Community Health Services and to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the active Desa siaga Program in Karangtinoto Village. The results of the study have shown that the active Desa siaga has been running well in health services in Karangtinoto Village. This can be seen from the clarity of goals and objectives, the socialization of the program, the availability of adequate infrastructure, and the existence of internal and external supervision in its implementation. The inhibiting factors of this program are limited funds for developing the Desa siaga Program and the absence of cooperation with other parties in the success of the program. For this reason, the suggestions that researchers give are to increase the budget for the Desa siaga, need to build partnerships/cooperation with third parties, and need to provide training to Desa siaga’s officers.</em></p>Denny Iswanto
<p><em>The merit system is an important factor in bureaucratic reform which aims to create ASN who are professional and have integrity to create government administration that is effective, efficient, transparent and free from political intervention. Independent assessment of the implementation of the merit system is a measuring tool to ensure the merit system is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations. BKPSDM Magelang Municipality has started implementing a merit system in personnel management since 2021, and continues to improve every year. This research aims to determine the extent to which the merit system is implemented by BKPSDM Magelang Municipality in personnel management. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. Data/information collection techniques are carried out through interviews and document studies. Data analysis by means of data reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show that BKPSDM Magelang Municipality has succeeded in achieving increased implementation of the merit system due to strong support and commitment from the leadership. However, BKPSDM Magelang Municipality needs to make improvements in budget allocation, commitment from agency leaders, and increase awareness and understanding of civil servants as well as synergy with stakeholders in order to implement a merit system in personnel management.</em></p>Sutrisna SutrisnaWidodo Triputro