The manuscript can be submitted directly to the editor team, via e-mail:, or page: (button / button Submit Article / Make a Submission.
Articles have not been published in other media and do not contain elements of plagiarism with dilampiri written statement by the author.
Writing can be articles of research, application theory, best practice, and book reviews.
The article is written in Indonesian with A4 paper size, upper and left margin 4 cm, bottom and right margin 3 cm, Times New Roman typeface, size 12, and space 1.5.
In the article the name of the author and the name of the author based on the amount of contribution and all the authors are responsible for the contents of the article. Author Name is bold and tilted using Times New Roman letter size 12.
Articles must be accompanied by the author's address (the author's origin and e-mail address of the author). Writing the address for the author of the article using Times New Roman letter size 12, but not ditakkan and not tilted.
Articles accompanied by abstracts in Indonesian and English with maximum word count of 200 words in essay format, Times New Roman type 10 size font size, and using spaces 1. Writing words ABSTRACT and ABSTRACT for articles using Times New Roman font type, capital, size 12, and bold. ABSTRACT and ABSTRACT along with Keywords, writing using Times New Roman letter size 10, single space, bold and tilted letter, consist of 3-5 words.
INTRODUCTION contains background problems, hypotheses (if any), research objectives, and literature review. The INTRODUCTION is written in capital letters, Times New Roman, spaced 1.5, and bold.
METHOD contains research types and approaches, data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. The word METHOD is written in capital letters, Times New Roman, spaced 1.5, and bold.
DISCUSSION / DISCUSSION contains results / research findings in accordance with research objectives, and accompanied by data that has been processed. DISCUSSION / DISCUSSION Written in capital letters, Times New Roman, space 1.5, and bold.
CONCLUSION contains the results of research and accompanied by recommendations / recommendations. The word CONCLUSION is written in capital letters, Times New Roman, spaced 1.5, and bold.
REFERENCES contain the sources used as references in this study.